4 Ways Millennials Can Step It Up At Work Today

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4 ways millennials can step it up at work today


Aah the life of an educated and professional millennial can be a tricky one. We are chill and super laid back. We are insanely creative. But we do take a much more liberal approach to building our professional reputations. In order to cash in on the 4 years we spent with our heads buried in those over priced college books dreaming of the day when we will become CEO’s we must get a few things straight.

Here are ways 4 to step it up at work today as a millennial:

  • Be On Time

    • This should go without saying but being on time to appointments, work, and networking events will let the world know that you are dependable. Making it a priority to be on time assures people that you respect the value of their time. Set your clock 20 minutes ahead of time. Over time you will forget that you did and you will become a pro at being prompt!
  • Be In The Know

    • Keep up with what is going on in the world outside of reality tv and the latest viral Vine video. Knowing about current events will give you leverage to hold your weight in casual business and networking conversations with colleagues. To increase your daily knowledge of current events follow various news outlets and brands on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Fill up your time feed with outlets that will help you be sharp in casual convo.
  • Be Consistent

    • Whether it be your weekly report on the job or your volunteer work at the local food shelter, be consistent across the board. We have all been guilty of getting a little too comfortable in a position from time to time but you have to shake the bug of inconsistency. Create a daily task list that will help you perform at a high level everyday when you begin work. Consistency is a major factor in achieving success.
  • Be Creative

    • Show your team why they hired you and bring those brilliant ideas to life. Traditional professionalism doesn’t have to equate to BORING. College sometimes builds an imaginary outdated box around our minds as to how we should go about displaying our creativity at work. Don’t be shy or nervous when you want to pitch that perfect idea you feel would take the results for the new account over the top. Be confident and open your mouth so that you will be able to taste the flavor of success.